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FilZip 2000

Shutdown Now




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(c) 1998,99 by Noseghost Software

Last Update: 29-9-99

ShutDownNow Version 1.0

Filename Description Date
ShutdownNow.exe v1.01  
ShutdownNow, creates an icon in the taskbar notification area. By clicking onto the icon, the pc will be shut down, rebooted or logged out. It's also possible to shut down the pc at a specific time. Download and start self-extracting EXE to activate, but before using it, you have to shut down your computer as usual. -FREEWARE-


Filename Description
TShutdown.zip This is a non-visual component which lets you shutdown, logout and reboot your computer very easily.
It's been tested with D2, D3, and D4 and it should work under Win 95/98
TURLLabel.zip TURLLabel is a small component that lauches your default web browser or mail client and go to the site specified in the URL property. When the mouse is over the label, the font and color changes to the font and color specified in MouseOverColor and MouseOverFont.
Win2kBtn.zip TWin2KButton is a Button with a new style, the Windows 2000 style.This means, the in the normal state it's more flat than a normal button, for example like a flat toolbar button. When you enter the Button with the mouse, it changes its style and now looks like a normal button.